News British Nightlife Scene May Be Decimated


According to an article in The Drinks Business, survey results show that over half of British nighttime hospitality businesses fear they will not survive more than two more months without further government support.

News England Celebrates Fourth of July for a Different Reason – Pubs Reopen


In what some are calling ‘Super Saturday,” England allowed pubs to reopen today along with restaurants and hairdressers. Some waiting in line as early as 6:00am to enjoy their first draft pint in almost four months.

News Hong Kong Brewery Brews up CBD Beer


The use of CBD in any food or drink product, including alcohol, is illegal in the U.S. And even though the potential health benefits of CBD are getting more recognition these days, in most Asian countries it is still seen as a drug and somewhat taboo. But it is legal. And a new start-up, is not brewing and marketing a CBD-infused beer.

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