Keith Yager

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Used Product Ad posted 5 days ago in Brewhouse or Brewing Systems by Keith Yager

This is a great 2 vessel brewhouse that I brewed on for about a year at the now-defunct Rocket Republic Brewery in Madison, AL. I loved it so much that I acquired it a few months ago as what would have been a massive upgrade for my little electric 5-bl system at the brewery I own in Decatur, AL. Unfortunately, due to the constraints of my historical 2-story building, I cannot install it without structural modifications to the building that is beyond my budget. This system can handle between 7bb and just barely 20bbl low to medium gravity batches. It has a float switch that will automatically turn the burner on or off at 5bbls--a convenient time saver (never forget to turn your burner on!) It includes a 30 bbl HLT with auto fill (works great when plumbed into a inline HWH like a rennai) It includes 3 pumps, main...

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