Brewing Consultants

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Used Product Ad posted 1 day ago in Brewing Consultants by Mike Kraai

We are seeking a part-time consultant to assist with our wild beer program.  We have 7 Foeders, initially several we kept as clean fermentation vessels, but after about 5 years they have been infected.  We also have several foeders that we have innoculated and added coolship brews to.  We are seeking help with cultivating a house wild culture that we really adore.  Our existing brew team is small with just two full time production guys, and some packaging help.   The goal would be to utilize our existing foeders and barrels to create more farmhouse beers that we really enjoy.  The existing staff can execute the production of these beers, but we are seeking a consultant who specializes in, and has vast experience in wild and barrel aged beers. Deliverables would include a wild beer production schedule, a proactive plan for cultivating a culture, and recipe development for wild beers.

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