Expert Topic Bringing Special Events to a Brewery

There’s a scam email that bounces from brewery to brewery. Someone writes that they want to host a party, loves the place, and wants to throw a big blowout for a birthday or anniversary, or graduation. The emailer is currently out of the country but will take care of the whole bill. But needs the brewery to front some cash, maybe through an app, if that’s OK.

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UBC Group is a manufacturer and distributor of refrigeration equipment and custom-branded point of sale products for food service and commercial beer and beverage companies. Breweries, beverage and FMCG companies can proudly display and sell their products using our high-quality equipment.

Of course, any money that is put up by a brewery (pro tip: don’t do this) will never be recovered and the party will never happen. A lot of brewers see this email as a rite of passage and so long as they are not scammed, it’s a fun momentarily distraction and a good reminder to others to be on the lookout.

It’s also a good reminder that breweries, often with a good amount of usable space should be a destination for parties and gatherings. As brewers are looking to grow the bottom line, increase visibility, and go beyond just beer service, having a plan and infrastructure in place for private events can be a boon for

Before Opening Hours

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way companies do business. As many workers went remote, physical office space has become a rarity. Still, there is the need, if only occasionally, for employees to physically get together for meetings and powwows.

Of course there are spots like shared working space, but a brewery taproom can be a great alternative. With long tables, wifi, ample bathrooms, and space to stretch out, offering up a brewery for corporate meetings can make sense.

Especially if those meetings are held outside of normal taproom business hours. If a taproom doesn’t open until 4:00 p.m. allowing for a business to set up in your space from 9:00 a.m. until open a tap room is getting a rental fee during a time that would otherwise yield no revenue.

Some breweries that have gone this route have partnered with local coffee roasters to bring in coffee service and snacks as part of the space rental fee. Partnering with local restaurants in advance can allow for brining in lunch.

As part of a space rental a taproom can also offer a pint upon opening, and it’s a good bet that workers will stay a bit longer, adding even more to a brewery’s bottom line.

Of course, this requires staff on-site who can trouble shoot and problem solve and provide general service but those costs can be included into the cost of the contract.

In densely populated areas with a lot of businesses, offing up a brewery space outside of normal operating hours can add to the bottom line in a significant way.

Special Events

A brewery can also be a destination for birthday parties, anniversaries, wedding showers, rehearsal dinners and more. This is particularly helpful for breweries with full kitchens and dedicated space.

Having written protocols in advance and clearly stated on your website can help avoid any confusion or anger should a group show up unannounced with a cake, decorations, and try to throw an elaborate ad hoc party.

For arranged dinners, having the kitchen come up with options, either buffet-style or from a limited amount of choices, helps with the per-person cost. Including beer and other drinks in the price is important as well.

Having a dedicated dining space is also helpful and if a group is able to rent out the whole room, it becomes profitable for the brewery and hopefully easy for the staff.


There is also a growing trend in beer for couples to host weddings at breweries. Stainless steel, mood lighting, racks of barrels, and a general aesthetic makes for a special setting for the big day and also looks great in pictures.

Breweries, like Revolution Brewing in Chicago, have been offering wedding packages for quite some time, both at their brew pub and at the production brewery. A dedicated web page helps the organizers see all of the options available, including seating charts.

Weddings take planning and for breweries that want to embrace being the home of nuptials there is a lot of prep work that goes into the offerings long before it is made available to the public. Considering fire codes, bathrooms, kitchen availability, insurance, and general infrastructure.

Some breweries will transform the brew house – complete with stringing up specialty lighting, and bringing in thematic decorations, and working with party supply companies to create a memorable scene.

Any party is a commitment but there are expectations when it comes to weddings and making sure that every scenario and anticipated need is paramount. Good reviews and vibes can lead to repeat business. Bad ones… well, you know.

There is also a responsibility to keep guests in check with alcohol. Weddings can be a bug day for the social lubricant, and being around both an endless supply of beer as well as expensive equipment can lead to trouble.

Having a staff trained to be looking for potential issues as well as the party hosts being made aware of guest expectations in advance makes the day smoother for everyone.

Not every brewery is equipped to host a wedding, but for those with the space available and the inclination, it can be a smart way to add to the bottom line.


When your brewery is ready to begin embracing private events or to rent out for meeting space, promotion is critical. Regular reminders on social media will help keep the offerings top of mind. Having printed brochures available in the taproom as well as posters and other reminders at heavily trafficked areas can help as well.

Having a well-designed and SEO forward webpage is also important. Revolution has a dedicated page for all of its events that clearly states the specs of the room, the options, amenities, party size requirements, and price.

By presenting this all in advance helps answer a lot of inquires in advance and only pushes through the serious parties.

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