News Possible Government & TTB Shutdown Could Impact Brewers

With Congress back in business after the summer recess, they now have until Sept. 30th to pass the 2024 fiscal year budget. Although Congress could enact a short-term budget to keep the government open until negotiations are complete, it is not a certainty, and brewers should prepare for a possible shutdown of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) non-essential services such as label approvals, formula approvals and brewers’ notices.

The Brewers Association’s Katie Marisic, senior director of federal affairs posted in a blog post that if the government does shut down, there could also be longer-than-usual wait time after reopening, as a result of a larger than normal backlog of applications.

“Given the current uncertainty, breweries should submit any upcoming approval requests or applications as soon as possible to obtain approvals prior to a potential government shutdown, as well as avoid longer wait times on the other end of any shutdown,” Katie said in the post.

Although a shutdown is far from certain, brewers may want to be proactive by taking steps now to avoid a long wait if a shutdown does occur.

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