Expert Topic Security Steps to Keep Your Brewery Safe From Cyberattacks

Nearly every aspect of running a small business is online these days and the amount of bad actors trying to access information has never been higher. Brewers are well served by following basic tips to ensure their online resources are well protected.

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AdvisorSmith, a firm based in New York, conducted a survey last year of 1,122 small business owners and managers “to understand their experiences with cyberattacks and how their businesses are preparing for cyber threats.”

Their survey found that 42% “were the victim of a cyberattack in the last 12 months.” This included phishing attacks, data breaches, malware attacks, denial of service attacks, and ransomware attacks.

There are a number of things that brewers can do to keep their information safe and secure.
Beall Brewing Insurance recently posted a blog on their site where it noted that “To maintain craft brewery cyber security, you need to protect your computers, your network, and your mobile devices.”

The post offered up these tips:

Back up your data.

Run robust malware-detection software.

Four-fifths of cyber attacks involve weak passwords. Use strong passwords—a different one for each account—and don’t write them down; memorize them.

Keep systems and programs current by updating whenever updates are available.

Develop craft brewery cyber security policies, and train employees in those policies.

Another aspect of security is surveillance equipment. While cameras have long been standard in bars and restaurants as a means to keep an eye on the premises and registers, breweries should be considering the same equipment.

Not only does it help with safety monitoring and detraction, but also can be a good way to remotely check in on brewing equipment and the premises after hours or when off premises.

There are many options available for all budgets, but this type of security should be factored into any budget for breweries in planning or existing operations. Picking between wired or wireless cameras, ones in full color with higher resolutions versus those without, and ones that are capable of picking up audio.

But make sure your brewery and other equipment has the band with to monitor the security equipment. This means monitoring software, WiFi and internet that can handle multiple live streams, and the means to record, plus mobile apps for remote monitoring.

There is a lot to consider to keep your business, investment, and employees safe. Putting in the work before an incident can mean better peace of mind and better protection should a situation arise.

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