Low Oxygen Brewing: Improve the Quality and Flavor of your Beers

Date / Time: Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 at 2:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT (add to calendar)
Event type: Event held online
Price: Free
Register / View: Low Oxygen Brewing: Improve the Quality and Flavor of your Beers

presented by John Watt from Stout Tanks and Kettles

Many brewers have tried to create lagers with that “true German flavor” but never actually achieved it. Another way to describe the elusive taste is “fresh, lingering grain flavor.” Brewers try decoction mashing, triple decoctions, melanoidan malt, flaked barley, and so on without success. If you want to make authentic continental lagers, then a proven method is to eliminate oxygen from your brewing process starting with your brewing water and unground malt and ending with wort in the fermenter with less than 1 ppm of dissolved oxygen. This is called Low Oxygen Brewing.

Preserve the fresh malt/grain flavor that exists in your malt before you even begin brewing
Make authentic Continental style beers
Obtain that “lingering fresh grain flavor” you only find in fresh Continental styles
Improve the overall quality, flavor, and freshness of all your beers – even ales

Categories: ProcessVirtual Brewers Conference 2020

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