News Area Code Local

AB applies for trademark on 14 area codes

Anheuser-Busch has applied for a federal trademark for 14 different area codes, including “314” — the area code for much of metropolitan St. Louis.
In addition to the St. Louis 314 area code, other area codes that A-B is seeking trademarks for include 412 (Pittsburgh), 305 (Miami), 619 (San Diego), 202 (Washington, D.C.), 602 (Phoenix), 704 (Charlotte), 702 (Las Vegas), 214 (Dallas), 415 (San Francisco), 216 (Cleveland), 303 (Denver), 615 (Nashville) and 713 (Houston).

It’s unclear if this move will pave the way for A-B to develop city-specific beers in those locations.

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0 Comments on “Area Code Local”

  • Chaz


    Maybe new markets they’re looking to sell Goose Island beers in and don’t want someone making a numbered beer to compete with the 312 Urban Wheat? Or Maybe they’ll rename it for the markets? New regional specific beers would be an interesting idea.

  • lhall


    HA! I’m going to put my brewery phone number in 3″ letters on our labels now. Let ’em sue me!

  • Moonlight


    Perhaps the Pacific Ridge Pale Ale which is sold to bars to put their own name on, will now be sold in these area codes as a special local beer!
    I would think it would be quite a challenge to make a special beer for each of those markets, and deal with the POS and sales logistics, not to mention the production logistics. It seems to me like products with small volume sales are not where AB’s efficiency and expertise have always been. Not so much In-Bev either.
    But with the perfect marketing magic, who’s to say?

  • Jephro


    What are they gonna do to celebrate all that Chineese malt and hops they’re buying?

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