News Survival Guide for Brewers – New Site Provides Essential Virtual Resources

With industry conferences and gatherings put on indefinite hold, webinars, podcasts and other virtual platforms are becoming widely available to industry members. ProBrewer has posted a dedicated resource site to list the many virtual events that are taking place to help brewers and others in the industry.

The site has four sections dedicated to four areas of maintaining a healthy industry during these challenging times. The “Virtual Conferences” section lists the variety of conference-like events that are now available online.  “Help Your Business” lists the current webinars and podcasts to help your business survive, including taking advantage of the CARES Act, employee help, and other business survival tactics.

In the spirit of the craft brewing community, many brewers are looking for ways to help their local communities, their retail customers, and others who are struggling during these times. Information on how you can help is listed in the “Help Others” section. And the “Help Yourself” section is a list of virtual platforms to stay healthy and well, important when your business and employment situation elevates stress and anxiety. Taking care of yourself so you can show up for others should be your top priority.

Visit the ProBrewer survival guide here.

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