Expert Topic How Distilled Oils are Expanding the Impact of Hops

Our Editor Emeritus, Stan Hieronymus has an article over at Good Beer Hunting about hop extracts / hop oils that helps evaporate the myths surrounding these products.

“Liquid CO2 extraction of hop pellets produces the most pure whole resin and oil extract. The extract has many advantages over whole hops or pellets—including reduced costs for shipping and storage, uniformity, stability, better utilization, and reduced wort losses.”

“Hop oil makes up to 4% of the hop cone. Between 50-80% of the oil is hydrocarbons, 20-50% oxygenated hydrocarbons, and less than 1% sulfur compounds. In 1976, three chemists at the Brewing Research Foundation in England patented a process for “an improved method for making hop oil.” Their research showed that oil produced by their new process contained up to 90% less sulphur-containing compounds than other distilled hop products. That was an “improvement” because those compounds produced odors brewers did not want in the beer, ones often described as “catty” or “blackcurrant.”

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Beverage Ingredients featured expert topic supported by California Craft Brewers Association

The 2024 California Craft Beer Summit is the most important event of the year for California Brewers or anyone interested in building their business in the craft beer industry. The 2024 Summit will be held in Sacramento on March 12-14, 2024.

via: Good Beer Hunting

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